I caught a fish but I don’t know what fish is this. Anyone ?

Posted by Admirable-Fig2569


  1. Fun_Squash_4129 on

    It’s a peacock bass. You can catch them in Florida. Super aggressive and fun to catch.

  2. Dont keep fish you cant identify. The goal of fishing isnt to kill and keep every fish you hook.

  3. Looks like a red fish when u filet it cut the red line on takes out all the games taste btw there r size limits on those

  4. Limp-Pain3516 on

    If you don’t know what type of fish it is, do NOT put it in a cooler. If you have an “illegal” fish and your local DNR/Fish and Game comes by, you’re screwed. It’s always better to just snap a pic of the fish while it’s still hooked or sitting on the bank. It’s not worth getting a ticket and or your gear taken for something like that. It’s also not worth getting injured trying to grab a fish you don’t know if it’s poisonous or not

  5. WorriedRevenue5 on

    I’m gonna hope you plan on eating it, but honestly after going fishing with many different people who don’t fish to each (they just like fishing) I found that many people just keep the fish to show people they caught a fish, or they kill it so “no one else catches it” like it hasn’t been caught 150 times before.

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