Posted by Putrid-Decision8425


  1. accualy_is_gooby on

    That is definitely false, and the same information was given to me by a petsmart employee who didn’t know what they were talking about. Anecdotally and based on another employee who I bought replacement danios from, you ideally want about 2-3 gallons per fish.

    My tank was able to handle 3 of them for a while, but they died very quickly when I had 5 of them in my ten gallon tank.

  2. I would say yes not true. They would be not very happy in such a small space. 10 gallon is best for them and whoever buys them as they are super active. Seeing them zip around a 10 gallon would be way more enjoyable then and cramped 5 gallon.

  3. Technically it is true, you can keep danios alive in a tank that small.   My nephew kept them in a 3.5 gallon for a year by the time I convinced him to surrender them to me.   They were perfectly healthy when I got them.   It certainly isn’t ideal or aspiring fish keeping, but reddit has this habit of going gestapo on stocking and getting all melodramatic, making less than ideal situations sound like fish are being tortured.

  4. The problem with Google, Ai, and all that is how well they hide the source of the information.

    Every kid should have to take debate.  Have them get used to yelling “SOURCE?!” At each other.

    Google is not a source.  I can’t remember how many times I was told that.  And Wikipedia- find it in their source- you know how often Wiki has it wrong and their own source said something different?  It’s nuts.

  5. Qweiopakslzm on

    Too many variables. What kind of danios? Zebra danios have far different requirements compared to celestial pearl danios. What’s the footprint of the 5 gallon vs the 10 gallon? A 5 gallon bookshelf aquarium will have WAY more swimming space than a tall 10 gallon cylinder.

  6. Well technically a kitten can survive in a cardboard box as long as it has access to food and water. That doesn’t mean it’s the best husbandry for a cat.

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