Heres a tank shot of my 96L Tropical Tank after a fresh trim. I just wanted to share and reflect. It's been an overall positive year fish keeping and I'm glad Ive taken up the hobby and I have still got a lot to learn. Sadly I lost my pair of Honey Gouramis and a hill stream loach, shortly after I went on Holiday in June, which was difficult as I couldn't find a reason they passed, maybe feeding was off I'm not sure. Since then I have been reluctant on adding any more fish to the tank. Just trying to keep up with maintenance. I'm finally having some success on controlling the black beard algae which is nice, I think it means my tank is hopefully reaching some sort of stable state.

Low tech planted tank with: lambchop rasboras; white cloud mountain minnows; pygmy Cory's; amano shrimps and two faunus ater snails.

Trying to think of a new centerpiece fish for when Im ready to add to the tank. Open to suggestions.

thanks all.

Posted by RaiilHEAD

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