Hi all, first tank here, I'm wondering which airpump/filter would be ideal for this tank here. My concern is flow for the pumpi g, due to the shape of the tank,
And if prefer not to have to have a pump fir each side. Thanks

Posted by ScammiB


  1. just_rat_passing_by on

    What is the size/volume of this set? It can be an interesting or a disgusting tank depending on its dimensions.

  2. imlittlebit91 on

    A sponge filter on each side for sure. Double the tank size. So if this is a 10 gallon tank put a 10 gallon sponge filter on each side. I would remove that decor and put in smaller driftwood or stones May spider driftwood. Definitely look into live plants Amazon sword would be great 2 per side just to start. You want swim space bfor your fish decor takes away that space.

    Also YouTube fishless cycle. Dr. Tim’s has a great video about it. Learn the nitrogen cycle. And stick with something small to start chili rasboras you can have a school of 10 easy in there maybe a mystery snail too. Good luck.

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