So I got into aquariums this summer, & I now have 3 – a 2.5, 5.5, & 10. Oops!

I want to set up a bigger one, but I don’t know where I’m going to be in a year..

So what’s the biggest size that’s still relatively easy to move? 20, 29, 40? I want to set up one of those 3 sizes in a couple months. Even if I have to let it all go in a year or 2, depending on where I go for grad school, I don’t want it to be a huge ordeal to take it down & move it.

Personal experience much experience.

Picture of my 5.5 gal for tax

Posted by opossum3000


  1. OftenIrrelevant on

    If you have two pretty strong people moving the thing, I think the last easily-moved size is 40 gallons. Even then, you’re draining it down to the substrate and removing any large items. 29 wasn’t bad to move with 2 average people, and I managed to move a 20 on my own without much issue.

  2. imlittlebit91 on

    I personally love my 20 gallon. I have 2 schools of small fish (harlequin Rasboras and pygmy cories) also shrimp and snails. Heavily planted! The idea of moving it is reasonable but still a lot to consider because my cories spawned as did my shrimp and holy snails! Also it’s just a jungle.

    A 29 would give you space for a centerpiece fish. I specifically wanted a peaceful community. So I personally would not go above 30 gallons. Also consider apartments have rules about aquariums when you start renting just food for thought.

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