I walked in and found my nieces friend holding her toddler in front of the aquarium and he had a set of keys in his hands and he just scratched the whole corner of my aquarium up having the time of his life. I'm so pissed off. I yelled at her and she had the audacity to tell me I shouldn't have an aquarium if a baby can't enjoy it, like WTF!!!
Literally a whole fight erupted, I almost punched her for being so rude. Please tell me there's a way of saving this, it looks so awful .

Posted by Jsiqueblu


  1. Oh dear. They make this glass filler stuff for cracked windshields, maybe that would do it?

  2. 1. what a fucking asshole beat the shit out of em

    2. watch an indian guy explain shit on youtube, or any guy for that matter on youtube

  3. Looks like neice’s friend owes you a new tank, (or money for a new tank) and has earned a permaban from your house if she doesn’t make it right.

    Especially due to the chip in the glass at the bottom right.

  4. itisforbidden21 on

    I’m sorry that happened! I’d be livid. The parent should be mindful/aware of their child in any situation and/or place. I hope it doesn’t ruin your relationship if it’s a meaningful one. I don’t have an answer but I have a wiki link how to. Please keep us updated!!!


    Definitely not defending the individual who backlashed, but I don’t think people truly understand the work that goes into a fishtank. It’s not just get fishes and throw them in the tank, it’s a chore, but such a rewarding one! Let me take my keys and fuck up your nice ass windows in your home and we call it even! Lol

  5. Try looking into some videos on glass or acrylic polishing maybe you can buff some of it out

  6. Ok-Cress-436 on

    Have the baby key her car. She shouldn’t have a car if a kid can’t enjoy it, right?

  7. Strict-Seesaw-8954 on

    The parent is 100% responsible to make restitution for the damage she allowed to happen.  Not the kids fault and certainly not your fault. Look forward to reading a favourable outcome.

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