I’m not sure if he’s okay or what I can do. I’ve noticed he does this while I feed them, when I turn the lights on, and turn the lights off. I’m not sure if he maybe gets a little too excited or what specifically causes it? Then he just goes back to swimming around like nothing ever happened. The first time I saw this happen I thought he was surely on his last leg but this has become something he does pretty consistently. (maybe 3-4 times a week) What is this and what do I do?

Posted by raegancassidy


  1. Budget_Pop9600 on

    Might be a seizure you’re inducing. No idea about cause but try illuminating the tank slower. He also kinda just looks like he’s playing with the bubbles, hope you get to the bottom of it

  2. I half expected to see a video of a platy playing in the bubbles. Mine did that, they loved swimming against the current of my water pump, and the ones my mom had as a kid loved playing in bubbles.

    But that’s not what this is. It’s clear by the end that it’s quite more in the foreground than the bubbles are. It looks to me like a neurological problem, but I can’t be sure. I’ve never seen any fish act quite like that.

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