It’s a 6.6 gallon tank and I treated it with conditioner

Posted by Fartneggaballs


  1. It looks super cool!! I like the zen vibe 100/10. Male bettas can be clumsy and get their long fins torn with those plants. I would recommend live or silk plants for that case. If it’s a short tail specimen or a female, you won’t have that risk.

  2. RainyDayBrightNight on

    Basic starter tips;
    1. Make sure it has a filter with low/no flow, and a heater
    2. Once the betta is added (I think I see him in there already), do a 30% water change every second day for the first six weeks. After that, you only need to do a 20% water change once a week.
    3. Make sure fake plants are silk or silicone, not plastic. The plastic fake plants are rough enough to cause body injuries and torn fins.
    4. Tank lights on for no more than 8hrs a day. If algae issues pop up, add a nerite (or similar) snail, and leave the tank lights off for a full week or two.
    5. Never replace the filter sponge. Just give it a gentle swish in old tank water once every few months. Coarse filter sponge needs replacing once every five-to-ten years.
    6. I’d recommend giving your betta a fasting day once a week to help prevent constipation.

    To do a 20% water change;
    1. Use a gravel vacuum to suck 20% of the water from the gravel into a bucket, removing the gunk from the gravel with the dirty water
    2. Tip the dirty water down the loo, or use it to water your plants
    3. Refill the bucket with tap water of a similar temperature to your tank water
    4. Add a proportional amount of water conditioner
    5. Swish it around and leave to stand for 3-5 minutes
    6. Use the conditioned water to refill the tank

  3. SocialistIntrovert on

    I love the tank! You might want to look into something like Java moss as a “carpet” over the rocks, if that’s the kind of aesthetic you’re going for. It’s my favorite aquarium plant and definitely fits the zen vibe you’re going for here. Your betta is also gorgeous

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