My betta fish all of a sudden is turning white and my plants are dying one day and the other day they are green. I go to the aquarium store to get water tested and he says don’t clean it as there is no ammonia or nitrates, I’m confused and don’t know what to doz please help

Posted by Inner_Fan_7404


  1. alexanderh24 on

    My first thought would be that your betta does not like the water flow your filter is making. Fill your tank up to the top.

  2. Could a different family member have added something to the tank (like soap)?

    I would do an emergency 30-50% water change just in case.  And fill it up all the way while you’re at it.  The extra splashing is great for oxygenation but creates too much flow for Betta.  Use an air stone instead.

    If the problem persists check that your local city water isn’t doing pipe work around you- they will pump extra chlorine into the city water when they do or stir up heavy metals.  Switching to bottled water for a week or using extra water conditioner can help (but check your water conditioner, it’ll tell you how much extra you can use before it’s dangerous).

  3. eyecallthebig1bitey on

    No nitrates and dying plants. Sounds like you need fertilizer. Fish pic isn’t clear enough for me to see what the problem is.

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