Picked up a free 10 gal tank a month ago. It was in good condition so I started cycling/decorating on 7/10. I admittedly do not have a green thumb, but I really wanted live plants in here. Some didn’t make it, some I can tell are on their way out… I bought root tabs and have a mixture of contrasoil and gravel, so I’m not sure if this is par the course when planting during a cycle. The aromatica is the only one really growing, while the rotala (left) is slowly turning brown. I don’t know what the large leaf plant is in the back since that one was gifted to me, but he’s got some dark spots forming so I’m not sure if he’s going to make it.

Aside from the plants, the nitrite levels dropped to zero overnight. I’m excited to get a little guy in here, but I wanted to run it by anyone on here to see if I’m missing anything before I introduce a betta. Any suggestions with the plants would help, too. Thanks!


Posted by Wyztereo

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