I bought him, or her.. at a local pet store. All I know is that their giant bettas are imported from Thailand. They did not tell me if it was a male or female. Or how old it is.. they did say it might grow larger which also makes me wonder if the fins will get longer as well?? It is quite large in comparison to a regular betta. I tried to get good pictures but it just doesn’t like to stay still very long, so it was hard.

I’ve done some research but I can’t figure it out. I know females tend to have shorter fins but since it’s a giant betta, both males and females have shorter fins like that. I thought it was a male because it’s making a bubble nest, but now I found out that sometimes females make one too. I’m just extremely confused haha. It doesn’t matter really, I’m not trying to breed it or anything, I just want to know. For now, “his” name is Nigel lol.


Posted by No_Meaning939

1 Comment

  1. Positive-You-2443 on

    Long ventral fins + body shape make me think male, but I’m not 100% sure. Females can make bubble nests, but it’s not super common. Nigel is a very handsome little fellow 🙂

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