Had a tournament on Champlain yesterday, with my brudda cousin (don't be gross, maybe if we were from Danby, VT, it'd be brudda-cousin, but we're not. We just grew up like brothers).
The lake was obnoxiously crowded, with several tournaments being held on the VT and NY shores. We drew no.2 and were the first boat on the spot we wanted, but that was short lived, cause others saw us putting together a limit real quick, and all of a sudden we had 6 other boats on top of us. We decided to play the game of avoiding other people game.

He was flipping pads, cause he is an absolute artist with a flipping stick, while I was throwing a chatterbait through milfoil, or flipping or skipping a jig into other hard to scratch itches, I mean places.

We put together a bag weighing 19.5, which was good enough for 2nd place, but we could have been last, and I would still say that we just had one of the best days on water so far this year.

Plus, I pulled a third arm out of my hat

Annnd PS….. Whoever you are, I left my socks and sandals in the pic just for you.

dobynsrods #dobynsdifference

Posted by ExcuseNormal2416

1 Comment

  1. Smalls_the_impaler on

    “Broken by it I too may be; bow to it I never will.”

    I hope the dive that deep into my Lincoln quotes will be appreciated

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