Can bettas survive without heater or water flow, I saw this breeder online that produces some beautiful fish just out of buckets like pictured below.

Posted by Abs_so_Glutely


  1. This could be in Mexico where it is tropical. Lots of rain and constant high temps

  2. Charming-Ad4408 on

    The heater depends on where they are being kept. I think that bettas have a labyrinth breathing system where they evolved to survive in low-oxygenated bodies of water where they come up to breathe at the surface when needed. But I’m not expert and I don’t know how long they can do this for.

  3. 1991Overdrive on

    They don’t like water flow especially the long finned variety and they don’t need a heater if the ambient temperature will keep the water 78-82f. For breeding purposes short term those buckets are okay but longterm housing it’s not suitable and would be hard to get proper water parameters 

  4. Novelty_Lamp on

    That is generous space for breeding as far as outdoor breeding set ups go. They’re ideally not going to stay there and will be sold.

    People condition male guppies in a similar set up.

  5. Informal_Albatross19 on

    A large betta breeding operation is designed to get the product (bettas) to the paying customer as quickly and efficiently as possible. This includes a streamlined proven method. If a betta breeder is successful in accomplishing this paying customers will continue to purchase.

    Unless the background of the betta breeder is known, a person doesn’t know if this is a family operation that has been in business for decades. In this particular instance the breeder doesn’t have to worry about temperature and filtering. They don’t plan on keeping the product long enough for that.

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