I started this 10 gallon tank only about a year ago. At one point this entire surface is covered in duckweed and i used to fish them out because it was blcokinout lights. For some reason one day it was just… all gone except one or two little pieces of duckweed. That was months ago

I got the frogbit last November after i got the duckweed so it was co existing for a while till the duckweed catastrophe happened…. After all the duck weeds are gone i had already forgotten that i have frog bit in my tank…. I don't remember seeing anything but there was probably just a little baby tucked somewhere in the corner unbothered by the filter flow, and months later it just THRIVED and multiplied really quickly. Does anyone know any possible reasons on how frogbits usurp the tank? What caused it to stay hidden and suddenly show up everywhere? Nothing serious just out of curiosity

Posted by banasee

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