Today my friend reached out to me saying they knew of a betta that was being neglected and needed a new home. Her fins are torn, and I think she's been malnourished because she's almost a year old and so, so tiny. She may have a minor deformity in her spine as well, she swims just fine but her body sits at an odd angle when she's resting.

Years ago, I found a betta at a local store that was being given away for free because his fins were badly damaged from fin rot, and I ended up forming the most incredible bond with him. It was unlike anything I've experienced with any other fish (and his whole story is in my post history from when he passed if you're interested). He was the best, and he left me with such a soft spot for rescue bettas. This new fish's situation reminded me so much of my old friend that I just had to take her in.

I recently moved into a new place because my home was sold to developers, and it's been a really tough transition only made harder by the lack of fish in my home. I got into fishkeeping when I was deeply depressed, and having healthy and happy fish in my home is a really helpful reminder that I can be healthy and happy too! I've been struggling with my mental health recently, and I'm unbelievably grateful for an opportunity to nurse a little buddy back to health again and I can't wait to watch her thrive. Just being in clean water has made a huge difference for her! She's already more coloured up, her fins are more relaxed, she's active, curious, and eating!

These little buddies have a way of coming into my life at the most perfect moments. I can't wait to get to know my new little friend.

((She is in a heated and filtered 5gal quarantine bucket right now, this is not her forever home!! I have a cycled, planted, 10 gallon tank ready for her soon as I'm confident that she's healthy. I'll share it here once she moves in.))

Posted by occultoceans

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