My first betta Skittle passed 🙁 first picture was when I got him and second, he was around 3 years old. I had him for 4 years and I’m very upset he passed. He came down with something, I think swim bladder but not positive. Even with salt baths and medicine he couldn’t fight it off. I did my best, checked tank parameters and everything I could find to try to help it. Anyways after realizing he wasn’t going to get better, I was going to euthanize him with clove oil but it didn’t come soon enough. As soon as I got home and went to check on him he was wiggling for a second back and forth trying to swim and then started seizing and died. Question is, has anyone else experienced and seen this before?

Thanks for any insight! It was pretty traumatizing to watch and I cried a lot but I’m happy he’s not suffering anymore…

Posted by Best-Register4718


  1. Platonist_Astronaut on

    I’m so sorry for your loss. Seems like you did all you could for the little guy, though. Wish I had advice for you.

  2. Spiritually_Horny on

    Sorry for your loss, OP. I’m sure that was hard to watch. I’m sure Skittle loved you, though, and is swimming through the universe all around you, thanking you for all you did for them and for the love you gave to them

  3. occultoceans on

    Skittle is beautiful. I’m so sorry for your loss.

    You had him for 4 years, and he would’ve been at least a few months old when you got him, so I think it’s most likely that it was simply his time to go. With how much nonsense information about betta care floats around out there, it’s so bittersweet to see a fish who was so loved and cared for that he passed of old age. You did good.

    Rest in peace Skittle.

  4. Standard-Strike-4132 on

    My boy passed on Monday in a similar fashion. I am so sorry for your loss too, OP. My Bubbys passed while I was out getting clove oil for him. I came home and he was gone.. not sure which is worse.

    Bubbys also got sick very suddenly and I thought I treated the correct thing but I guess I did not 🙁

    Bubbys and Skittles are swimming together under the rainbow bridge. They were similar in age too.

    So sorry again OP.

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