We went to aquashella today and got some Blue Dream Neocaridina shrimp for Bowie's tank and this VERY blurry photo makes me want to sob since it's so adorable 😭 (pls ignore the brown moss, I've since removed it)


Posted by nibblerthebetta


  1. My betta LOVED his shrimp buddies. Babies were sometimes snacks, he would chase the little ones, and hang out with the bigger adults. He and one big mama used to rest next to each other on the same large Anubis leaf. Absolutely precious, good exercise and a healthy snack with a side of population control 😅

  2. My betta LOVED his shrimp buddies. Babies were sometimes snacks, he would chase the little ones, and hang out with the bigger adults. He and one big mama used to rest next to each other on the same large Anubis leaf. Absolutely precious, good exercise and a healthy snack with a side of population control 😅

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