(First pic is the new 10 gallon tank and the second pic is the old 5 gallon tank my guy is in currently)

today I went out and bought a 10 gallon tank and at the suggestion of other redditors on this sub I decided to experiment with some live plants! I grabbed two Amazon Swords and a Java Fern! once the tank is done cycling I plan to transplant the Java Moss ball from his old 5 gallon that he is in currently to this new one! I also added some Indian almond leaves and some of those little pine cone things (I forgot the name of them sorry) i even got some test strips to monitor for nitrates and other stuff! I’m really happy with how the new tank turned out and I can’t wait for it to be done cycling so I can add my little guy and see what he thinks! For the hide (the cubes) I wanted to get a duplicate of the one he has currently to hopefully not scare / stress him out too much plus he seems to really like that one in his current tank!

Also please don’t attack me with mean comments if the new setup isn’t to “industry standard” or what not as this is my first time experimenting / using live stuff! I do plan to and will add more plants in the future!


Posted by Flamin_Gamer


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