Sorry the pictures aren’t the best, they were the best I could do.

My fMIL, who I currently live with, brought a betta home in March. She’s done almost no research and I’ve tried repeatedly to get her to make things better for him with varying degrees of success, but the past couple days he’s had these white fuzzy patches and been super lethargic and she brushed me off when I tried to tell her that I think he’s really sick. I’m very afraid of confrontation and we’ve butted heads over this fish before so I’ve been hoping that she would do something on her own, but that’s clearly not going to happen.

At first I thought it was cotton wool disease, but I’m getting increasingly worried that we’re dealing with a bacterial infection. I’m pretty sure the little guy’s not gonna make it, but is there any way that I can at least try and help him recover? TIA

Posted by Accomplished_Map8784

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