I recently adopted a bristlenose from a friend who realised a bit too late that 40L (≈10g) was too small for a bristlenose. It's a chonky male that really likes digging in the substrate, so I named him The Unit (a.k.a. The Poop Machine). The substrate in my old tank (120L≈32g) was quite coarse, though. Fortunately I was about to setup a new, bigger (180L≈48g) tank and I decided to use a smaller, smoother substrate so that The Unit could dig around to his heart's content without having me worried about him scratching the glass. But as you can see he's not the only one who appreciates the smaller grains. Win-win!

And yes, you just read a whole story about a bristlenose while you're looking at an Amano. Welcome to the ADHD brain!

Posted by Ubelheim

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