I found those moss balls by the sea shore (black sea). We have look a-likes in our freshwater tank, they cost 2.50euro per small ball. Do you think its safe to get some for the tank?

Posted by Prize-Lychee4814


  1. Starslayerforthekill on

    Yes, just clean them off. I do this all the time with the moss balls in our lake. My fish are fine

  2. If it’s for a freshwater tank and you found them on a saltwater shore, I wouldn’t try it

  3. Doubt. It is saltwater,aint it? For safety, every plants in my tank must undergo Permanganate solution dip 15 min. It will kill any parasite or hitchhikers.

  4. Would the zebra mussels be a big worry with this? That is why they became so hard to get after becoming trendy a few years ago…

  5. the_pearl_gourami on

    no,they’re saltwater and your tank is freshwater so it won’t live there but parasites might do,also idk what country you got it from but in mine we found out there’s an ecoli infestation in the black sea so even one more reason not to bring that home

  6. Prize-Lychee4814 on

    Alrighty guys, thank you all for the replies. I will just go and return them back to the sea. Have a great day!

  7. If these are from the ocean then they are most likely a macroalgae species instead of the moss balls you are used to. Be careful with collecting macroalgaes on the shore as there are tons of creatures that enjoy living in them, bristleworm among them which can give a harsh sting—their bodies are covered in spines like a cactus.

    If you are determined to try this, I’d soak them in a diluted bleach solution for a day, then move them to a dechlorinated freshwater container to soak for a day, then either repeat with new dechlorinated freshwater for another day—this is to get rid of all the bleach it absorbed. After I’m comfortable with that, then I’d pop it in the tank and see what happens. Worst case after that it’s just dead plant material for biofilm and detritivores, or you can pull them out.

    The reasons for cleaning are: salt content, other pollutants, and hitchhikers.

  8. try them in a few jars, salt water and freshwater.  see what works best.   

    always quarantine your finds, wild or domestic. 

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