I’ll start…

Posted by ThrowRA178910


  1. I love Red Devils but they are such a pain. You can’t have a pretty tank they move all the substrate and destroy the plants.

  2. FeedMoney6523 on

    Community: Killifish
    Predatory; tiger shovel nose catfish (and a fully platinum one)

  3. RayquazaFan88 on

    I have a few favorites but I’ll pick a lesser known fish:

    The five banded barb. The little brother of the tiger barb that is everything the tiger barb is but without the constant lust for blood

  4. Sad_Big_1471 on

    I love zebra Danios because they are so active and their scales just shine beautifully and light

  5. SnooObjections488 on

    Get an otto or two so the pygmy cories can have a god 😂

    They look almost identical but the otto is huge compared and they tend to follow it around

  6. Unrelated to my pick but wow, I was shocked at how tiny Pygmy Cories actually are. Ember Tetras were bigger than I thought but these guys are absolutely miniscule.

    Anyhow, Glass Catfish. I don’t own one, would like to someday.

  7. I live my bichirs (especially my delhezi) and my blue phantom pleco’s. Apistogramma dwarf cichlids are also pretty awesome.

    Fish I would love to keep in the future are freshwater pipefish and gastromyzon sp for my odd ball tank. I also would love to someday have a black ghost knife.

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