Okay so this is the second time my dumb ass has done this. Basically, I went to cast, lure caught on brush behind me, and I didn't notice. Full strength cast and my line just exploded lol. Doesn't really seem like normal backlash. First time it happened I spent hours trying to undo it, and ended up cutting all the line off my reel so I was wondering if there was an easier way to fix this. Thanks!

Posted by tstaff98


  1. Sea-Radish3063 on

    You’re gonna want to peel off that line and spool it up with like 20-30lb braid. Braided line is WAYYY easier to un-tangle and it casts a lot better

  2. habsfanalreadytaken on

    Pick loops and pull the line out from the reel. I watched a video on YouTube and tried it myself with great success. As you can imagine it has happened to me many many times now that I’ve taken up bait castor reels rather than my old open face reels. “Picking loops”

  3. Dapper-Radish5568 on

    One of those new shamano reels that have a chip in them. I’m wanting to try them out for night fishing!

  4. beardedshad2 on

    Yeah, chuck it in the trash & never speak of it again. Not even to your clergyman.

  5. Close your bail, loosen your drag and pull the line through, helps you find where the knots/tangles are

  6. Cut it and re-spool. It doesn’t matter if you have mono, fluoro, braid or a chain link fence on it, catching a shrub behind you on a cash is going to give you a mess. But, I have found that braid is easier to cleanup in situations like this.

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