I was fishing my usual spot next to a family that was not catching anything. I pulled up and immediately caught and released a dink. They all move and start casting directly where I’m fishing so I move down and hook into this 2.5-3ish pounder, at which point the mom comes up and tries taking the fish. When I tell her I’m letting it go to grow she starts begging for the fish. I let it go and got death stares to the point where I had to go elsewhere. How do you guys deal with this?

Posted by Either-Tutor-4682


  1. I would have probably just given them the fish, if there’s people around clearly fishing for food i usually offer. Or if I didn’t want to just say no then I’d move away because people are crazy

  2. Facethevinyl on

    Look, the way I see it is there are a lot of dink bass because people don’t eat enough of them. If she just walked up and tried to grab the fish I probably would’ve put it back too but if she walked up and asked if they could have it I would probably have given it to her especially if you can tell they are fishing for food. Times are hard right now and some people are struggling to make ends meet they may have been fishing for supper.

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