I ran out of test strips so I don't know the parameters at the moment (getting new ones monday)
It's a 60L/ 15 gallon ish with live plants, I got some floaters and ludwigia
Water changes are once a week aroud 20-25%
I have a filter and heater, tank water is 26⁰C/ 78.8F
There are a few bladder snails in the tank but no other fish
I feed her a variety of food once a day, I have pellets, flakes and worm shaped food, I tried blood worms but she doesn't eat them :/
I've had her for 2 months and the tank for a little over 4 months, haven't changed anything in the tank for months I've had her
She doesn't like to stay still so these are the best pictures I could get.
Hope this helps and thanks in advance


Posted by Fishlape

1 Comment

  1. From my limited knowledge (if anyone wants to correct me please feel free to chime in) I’m almost certain that is a giant turd, I believe she may be constipated maybe you could try feeding her less?

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