We have a flood control pond behind our house that I recently started fishing since we haven’t lived here too long and have been told by neighbors that there are no fish in it.

I’ve caught probably 10 or so of these size bass out of it in the last couple of weeks (catch and release). It’s funny the first night I fished it one of the neighbors that told me that there are no fish in here was sitting outside watching me and I caught one after just a few casts. I held it up and said I think there might be at least one. Not sure if they don’t want me fishing it or if they truly believed that, but either way I don’t venture outside of right behind my house just so I don’t get anyone upset.

Nothing was biting anything I was throwing last night so as a last ditch effort I figured I would drop my swim bait into this hole and see what happened. This one immediately grabbed it, didn’t even have to reel it. In all of my years of fishing I’ve never seen these dark of eyes on a bass. I took a quick picture and put it right back where I caught it from.

Posted by GuaranteeEmbarrassed

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