Finally got my first betta fish, he lives in a fully planted 25Litre alongside shrimpies, he loves watching them, and doesn’t pick at them at all until they start swimming and latching onto him. However it’s never aggressive or flaring, just a tiny little peck and then leaves them alone.
However I’m a tad worried about his fins.. How do I know if they’re going to heal by themselves or if it’s fin rot & is there anything I can do to help him heal them faster?
I’m assuming lots of water changes ? Maybe once every 2 days? 10-20%?

Posted by BlkLts_

1 Comment

  1. SquareFan2053 on

    Hi! If anything is wrong with his fins besides the biting, it’s quite minor. I would take a gentle approach for him. You can just put some Indian almond leaves in his tank, as well as a dose of Seachem Stressguard, and he should be just fine. Of course frequent water changes as well. Also, you might want to try keeping his tank dim to lower stress. Props to you for noticing so quickly. He should heal up great. In the event that it keeps getting worse though, Seachem Kanaplex is my favorite for fin rot. Good luck, and let me know if you have any questions!

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