Long time lurker on the sub and appreciate all the cool setups you guys post!

I’ve got 2 tanks, both planted with a nutrient substrate. Plants include Java moss, pearlweed, subwassertang and floaters are frogbit and a little bit of duckweed.

In my 70 litre I’ve got
– 2 Rams (Lemon (F) and Blueberry (M))
– 7 neon tetras
– 6 ember tetras
– 2 ottos
– More shrimp than I count

The 30 litre Betta tank has:
– Male rosetail (David Rose)
– More shrimp than I can count

The betta is recovering from fin rot that he had when I picked him out (tips on this would be appreciated) and I’ve been unsuccessful in getting the Rams to breed, as well as having algae issues.

Parameters for both are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 5 nitrate in the 30l and 10 nitrate in the 70.

Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated!

Posted by BG_The_Great

1 Comment

  1. Calm_Bite7882 on

    Your plants are very pretty and vibrant. Do you use anything aside from the nutrient soil? I like your stocking options 🙂

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