My poor guy, I failed him. He was completely gone this morning. I didn’t ever find his body. My best guess is that a cat got him. I have a dog who likes to stick her face right up to the water and obviously I couldn’t help but stick my hands in there and love on the little guy. His survival instincts, aren’t. I had a feeling yesterday that I should put some netting over the top. I am so heartbroken. I only had him for one week.

I wont be adding another beta to my Pond, at least not until I can figure out some kind of protection for it. 💔

Posted by slugtesticles

1 Comment

  1. Emilyclaire7 on

    So sorry for your loss. Accidents happens and all we can do is learn from them and try to better ourselves to avoid making the same mistake. If you ever do get another betta they will be lucky to go home to such an amazing pond.

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