So this is Bob (named after Sergei Bobrovsky, goaltender of the Florida Panthers) aka THE NUMBER ONE FISH IN THE TANK (because he's a murderer). I'm so proud of his glow up. It happened so gradually I didn't even notice until someone who saw him from day one (pic 1) saw him today (pic 4) and asked if I got a new fish. I'm so proud of him, even if he's a shithead.

He's not very photogenic, sadly, because he's absolutely gorgeous.

Posted by LadyVaresa

1 Comment

  1. 20g long, 82°F, HOB and sponge filter, 6.8/0/0/0

    He used to share peacefully with neocaridina shrimp when they were in a 10g, but when I moved them into the 20L, he decided he was going to eat them. Rip

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