Hey! I recently (about two months ago) set up a new tank for my betta fish. About a month ago, I added five amanos. I noticed today that one of my females is pregnant! I was wondering if anyone could please tell me what will happen when she releases the eggs into the freshwater tank. I don’t have a brackish tank set up or the space to make one at the moment. Will the eggs hatch? Is there anything special that she needs? Thank you in advance!

Posted by sharkpencil


  1. If the eggs hatch then within a couple days at most the larvae will all die. They’re very tiny so it won’t be a problem. If you happen to notice it just do a water change.

    She doesn’t need anything.

  2. Unlucky-Mud-8115 on

    Nothing will happen. I have Amanos and they are pregnant from time to time, but nothing will come of it. Thats the eeason I have them so the population does not grow uncontrolable.

  3. When the eggs hatch, the babies/larvae dart out and around the tank, which will probably catch the attention of the betta – who will then get a snack.  My tetras always eat well when the poor mama Amanos lose their shrimplets. 

  4. This Is an amano shrimp. In the wild they will swim downstream until they sense a salinity change, then drop their shrimplets into the current where they will be swept into brackish areas to grow up. Then, as they mature, they swim into freshwater to live and breed. They won’t drop their shrimplets in freshwater and eventually she’ll reabsorb the eggs.

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