Up in Minnesota for vacation and caught 3 on the frog today. No pic of the biggest one but it wasn’t much over 2lbs. Still such a thrill when they chomp them off the top.

Will hopefully post more photos from the trip when it’s done. Caught a monster (for me) smallmouth two days ago!

Posted by WalrusWildinOut96


  1. Apprehensive-Cry1165 on

    I haven’t that much luck with frogs but I m pretty new at fishing. I guess I need to find the right spot. You still use a frog when there is not much cover? Most of the pond around me are pretty “clean”

  2. Apprehensive-Cry1165 on

    I have a lot a really manicured pond around here. Lake is better but 99% unfishable from bank. Thanks for the advice. I guess I will keep trying

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