[Question] What is wrong with my Freshwater Stingray, and what is the treatment for this?

Posted by kittichankanok


  1. kittichankanok on

    I returned home from an extended business trip to find one of my freshwater stingray in this state. Might I ask what can be done about this?

    1. Is this recoverable.
    2. If yes, what is the treatment I should undertake for my ray?


    Forgive me for deleting original post, I did not have zoomed in picture at the time, and have remade to add new information.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated, but if you are going to comment “Take him to a vet”, dont bother. I would dearly love to, but animal hospitals in Thailand are in practice for cats and dogs (or mammals) only. Reptiles may be occasionally accepted in specialist sites, but afaik no vetenary hospitals accept fish (I have tried before).

    I am already in process of setting up quarantine.

  2. Dapper-Gent83 on

    Do many people own stingrays?…

    Personally id seek proffesional help where you are located rather than ask on reddit.

  3. looks like a bacterial infection to me. that said, pretty sure stingrays are scaleless so most meds will be horrible on him. is there a shark/ray medical forum on [monsterfishkeeper.com](http://monsterfishkeeper.com) that might help?

  4. PopTartsNHam on

    Looks like fin rot, but that’s in typical aquarium fish. White looks fungal, at least without any reddening

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