Hi all,
I have this betta fish. He lives in a 10 gallon tank, with a heater, filter, regular water changes, and the water is testing just fine. He's been laying about on the bottom of the tank and not really moving a lot. He'll move to a new spot, but that's about it. I've set up a hospital tank for him (which is where he is in the picture) but I don't know what medication I should get him, if there is any. (The food at the bottom is new food, thought I'd see if he would eat.)

Any advice is greatly appreciated!


Posted by TBass_Buster


  1. aint_that_right on

    Just had this with my betta boy Rico, I’m pretty sure it was a swim bladder issue because he was having trouble getting to the top to breath. Same issue with yours?

    We treated with salt, antibiotics and anti-fungal solutions in a hospital tank. Also limited diet incase there was bloating that was making it worse. Unfortunately my buddy passed away. He stopped moving entirely except for when he needed to breath so I held him in my hand while he passed in some clover oil water. Wishing you luck in finding a cure!

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