I can fish ponds and lakes just fine, but recently I've tried to fish my local river with a menagerie of set ups and have not caught anything but 3 dinks and aside from that been skunked for the entirety of my summer. I have been trying to target a wide variety of fish that i know for a fact are in this river. Last week I got so frustrated my pole snapped, and i was really just going to call it quits and just drop the river as a whole.

Today I figured i'd hit a spot where i know fish were previously but weren't hitting my line (it's a mini hike to get there so i don't usually have time to make the journey) but why not just get out there while i can and try one last time before making a final decision. And god had shined his grace upon thee today, because i absolutely slayed the catfish today. I had caught 9 total in about 2 hours and all the other were bigger than these boys but my phone died after #3 because i took some videos prior. So yeah, i guess just don't give up and stuff.

I will be posting bigger hogs once i get back out there!

Posted by Mslayer4747

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