Omg this poor little guy… So he originally had cloudy eye and mouth fungus. I treated him with seachem stress guard, ich remedy and melafix in a 10 gallon community tank with 6 tetras. His face cleared up after 3 days but the red spot in the second pic appeared (it was originally white and what I thought was discoloration as it still has his scale). day 3 dosed as normal but without ich treatment and come the evening his face was turning white again so I added it back but with no improvement I moved him into a 3.5 gallon hospital tank yesterday (day 4) with some Indian almond leaves, mopani wood with Anubis and some nice resting spots and continued treatment and added back in the ich treatment. AND NOW WE ARE HERE. I have no clue what's going on I only have the strips (I know I know the test kit is better, it's on my list but money is tight so I'm making due for now) and everything is within range. Literally 0 ammonia nitrite and nitrate. Please help me what do I do?!?! I've been debating adding some salt but I only have pink Himalayan salt and I'm not sure if that's okay.
This is my first non long finned Betta and I have never had any of these problems I'm so confused please help!

Posted by GrootsToots


  1. WigglyNoodle22 on

    His fins arnt clamped he could be just changing colours i would use aquarium salt instead of anything with fix in it as its coats their Labryinth organ and makes it harder for them to breath even in the right amount or lower. Aquarium salt is great for fungal if it shows no improvement and he has a good appetite and shows no sign of being ill(clamped fins and lethargy) then i would assume its just his scales changing colours.

  2. Subject_Bike_147 on

    If you have fake plants in your tank, they’ll cut him up because they’re sharp. You should look into doing a real planted tank for him. Simulates a natural environment.

    r/PlantedTank is a great source or just google “Betta planted tank” and look at the images.

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