I caught like 3 of these things maybe 4 inches long on my cut squid no clue what they are. Southern California pier

Posted by 9jack82


  1. Funny-Jump-8390 on

    Really slimy and smelly? 

    If so it could be some type of lizardfish. 

    They often has large parasites living inside their gill plates, so be careful handling them or you might end up with thousands of baby’s parasites scurrying up your arm.

    Saw it once in the late 80’s and the image is burned into my brain

  2. Joint-junkie on

    It’s a lingcod. Catch these all the time in Alaska while salmon fishing. Cause so much annoyance when they are little. You think you hooked into smth and get all excited and then it’s just a baby lingcod☹️

  3. Those are Pacific staghorn sculpin! they are really common and can be a nuisance when they steal your bait, be careful with the spines as they can be really painful and they have 2 spines in their head hence the name staghorn

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