To all my fellow kuhli Loach keepers, how is this guys health? I feel like he is a bit skinny. What do you feed yours? I don’t feed them very often as I thought he was dead, I assume they munch on the planer snails since the population stays low when I am not feeding them. The tank is planted too and they have plenty of algae to munch on.

Posted by Mr-speedcolaa


  1. PopTartsNHam on

    Give em some food!

    The definition in the tail says too thin, for sure.

    I only have one chunky khuli, the other 8 are fairly thin comparatively- but all are thicker than this scrawny lad.

    My khulis do NOT hunt snails, only eat them when crushed. They do have a habit of being alive but unseen for long periods, but they eat tfo fish food, pellets, brine shrimp, wafers, and boiled cucumber

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