Some of you guys have been messaging me about the lack of posting about Casanova’s antics. First of all, he is totally fine! 😅 I am currently in the process of moving spaces, taking it one step at a time with Cas’s tank.

I took out the drift wood and most of the plants, as well as moved all the Cory catfish to my 40 gallon! So far Cas seems inquisitive about all the new negative space, haha!

The kuhlis I am leaving for last because they are SUCH a nightmare to wrangle! And draining 90% of the water and carrying the tank with them in it is not an option I am willing to risk in case something breaks!

But yeah! It’s a gradual process I am doing at my own pace, but thought I would toss this out there since some of y’all have been so lovely and caring enough to message me. ❤️❤️❤️

You guys are awesome! Much love!

Posted by Critical_Bug_880

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