This is my 10 gallon planted, 3 weeks old. It looks a little barren, just waiting for the plants to fill up the space so fish cac be more comfortable, and also to finish the cycle.

It was supposed to be for Sparkling Gouramis since they're one of the few 'small fish' that don't shoal, and can do fine in only a small group. The problem is that they're not as popular in my country, so they're rarely sold at most pet stores I could find.

I got scared away from getting Bettas too. I've read a lot that their lifespan and overall health are significantly worse now because of shitty breeding practices?

Is there any fish left that can happily thrive in a 10 gal? Preferably something that can do solo, pair, or a small group if they're very small? I don't think I can have something that shoal because it might be easier to just have only a few fish, and I'd need a bigger tank for shoaling fish even if they're small.

Currently my list only has Scarlet Badis since they fit what I'm looking for. But I'm willing to hear anyone who has something to add.

Can't decide on Honey Gourami too, I've read that they should at least a same species in the tank, or if you're keeping alone make sure that they have tank mates/dither fish, and I might not able to fit those in a 10gal.

The others that I could think of:
– Killifish (gardneri, clown, lampeye, other)
– Pea Puffer
– Some really small Cichlid?
– Crocodile Toothpick

but I have no knowledge on how to care for these, I'm still researching. Would appreciate anyone who can give suggestions, add info, or correfct anything I said. Many thanks!

Posted by SalmonWheat


  1. PopTartsNHam on

    10g planted tanks are perfect for nano communities.

    I’ve got endler hybrids, green neons, khuli loaches, dwarf rasboras, and Orinoco (dwarf) pleco, along with ghost shrimp and neos, Mts, bladder, and mystery snails.

    Another tank has a female betta and powder blue dwarf gourami – they’re great together (yemv).

    I have another that’s a just a big golden wonder killi for guppy population control (one of my tanks is a guppy breeder, the breeding “bulls” live in the community tank mostly), and he has Cory’s and snails as his cleanup crew.

    The key is stock slowly and intelligently- balance bottom feeders, mid swimmers, and top water, and do your water testing.

    I’ve got as many as 13 kinds of plants in some of my tanks, and they all run duckweed floaters- straight up nitrate cheat code. I also have pothos vines with roots hanging in the open space in my lid. With enough plants you can be heavily stock a 10G and have pristine water.

    Ps- pea puffers are murder machines.

  2. Broughtolife99 on

    I love your scape. Great choice of plants and leaf litter. Aside from what’s been recommended, have you considered possible getting a Honey Gourami? I’d also consider Neon Tetras or a larger group of Chili Rasboras. Maybe you’d reconsider a Betta if you found a reputable seller. I lost 3 in the last year before I finally stopped buying them locally and started ordering online. The new ones are thriving. Something to consider.

  3. wetmyplantiez on

    a school of like chili rasboras or neon tetras can be striking with your plants. If you really really like sparkling gourami, I would stock lightly so you have more rooms to add them in later once your LFS carry them.

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