My daughter has had her Betta fish for a year, she takes good care of him and I help with cleaning, changing water, etc. I noticed that suddenly he was not swimming as much, his fins looked really bad, he's not eating a lot, and he just wants to hide.

Attached photos are:
1. Day 1 when I saw he was sick,
2. Today, Day 4
3. Medication
4. Photo from a few months ago
5. Photo when she got him a year ago

I immediately tested the water with a 7 in 1 test and it was perfect. I thought based on his symptoms and lack of other obvious problems, it could be fin rot so I got medication and because his 10 gallon tank is planted and has a few snails, I moved him into a heated 2.5 gallon tank with new conditioned water, and we added a few soft fake decorations for hiding spots. I have followed the instructions on the medication, today is day 4 which is the last day of treatment. We also got a new food but it's dying the water red and he doesn't seem to be eating it either.

He will swim pretty fast still when I stick the net in, but otherwise he just lays on the bottom.

How long does it take for them to recover from fin rot? Could this be something else?

Posted by Dangerous-Muffin3663

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