Which is the better kayak?

Posted by Ready_Ability8269


  1. Present_Ad4863 on

    I feel like if you could provide the price for each and where you are fishing it would be easier to help on this, but i’m leaning towards the titan.

  2. hesthemanwithnoname on

    Do they have different drives?

    Edit: I see they do. Which drive do you prefer?

  3. PenguinsRcool2 on

    Who knows what “back bays” even means. But if you are fishing marshy weedy crap and have a way of getting to that area without seeing open water. The hobie all day long.

    Hobie will pickup less sea weed, you can hold the fins level with the bottom of the yak, plus personally its less hard on my knees. No idea if this hobie has reverse it probably doesnt so id ask that and consider that

  4. I partial to hobie. More efficient and easier to operate drive. This is from a guy with bad knees. I can stay out all day on my Hobbie. I tested a native before I bought my first hobie, I now own a mirage and two lynx

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