Here’s my PB smallmouth from over 10 years ago! She was 5 lb 4 oz.

I haven’t sniffed anything even close to this size since then (both smallies and largemouth).

Do y’all feel like your PB is still to come, or a memory of the past?

Posted by thenotoriousSPY


  1. Vineyard-Bear2 on

    My PB* broke off at the bank yesterday. That being said I’m positive my future will have a larger fish that the one I missed out on.

  2. Gay_4_Caleb_Williams on

    I caught my PB 3 days ago 4lb 8oz so I’m hopeful I can beat it in the future

  3. Iron_Bones_1088 on

    Silly question…. Your PB exists in both places unless you have decided to never fish again 😉

  4. bassfishing2000 on

    Caught a 6.37 last weekend, a 7 is out there swimming 8+ is a lot harder to do (st Lawrence/Lake Ontario)

  5. Dr-Stocktopus on

    My PB is 7lbs 13oz largemouth. (NC)

    Which is a pretty nice fish for NC.

    I’m not sure how likely it is that I’ll top that. I know the water I caught it on has produced double-digits 2-3 times, but I don’t get to go nearly as often as I used to. (I’m 40 now. The VAST majority of my 5+ were caught age 20-30…before kids)

    I caught that one sometime 15-ish years ago.

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