I just set this tank up yesterday and rinsed everything I put in it. Is it more cloudy than it should be? I will still be adding plants

Posted by PickleBot3


  1. The water is clear, though has colour to it. This would be from the Tannins leeched from the wood. There’s nothing inherently wrong with this, and some stock will prefer it.

    To prevent this further, you could soak the wood in water or boil to speed up the process. Though personally, I’d perform daily water changes until this is reduced.

  2. its tannins from your huge piece of wood. You should double check your paramaters and see how the tannins affect your water before you stock. It will likely make your water more acidic, and animals you may be interested in stocking might not like that.

  3. ikidnapfatpeople on

    Water cloudiness can result from the issues others have advised below, but it can also be a sign that you are having a bacterial bloom within your tank as it begins to foster growth of microbes either from nutrients in a substrate (such as a soil substrate, wood, etc) or from the water.

    In general, if you dont see any reduction in cloudiness using a clarifier such as carbon, it will resolve itself within a few days to a week.

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