Also any suggestions on my tank lol

Posted by Responsible-Coast164


  1. Vegetable_Ship_8910 on

    Honestly people make it seem like a way bigger deal than it is you honestly don’t need to wait more than a couple it’s just better to. I recommend a week after you’ve added everything you need in but you really don’t have to if you’ve done a water test and all levels are good

  2. Pitiful-Escape-374 on

    As long as it takes for your ammonia and nitrite levels to be zero and nitrate to be >0. I highly recommend not listening to the other comment, when I was just starting out with this hobby I thought all would be well if I just cleaned the substrate and kept up with water changes but I don’t even want to count how many fish I ended up killing due to my tank being uncycled.

    Your tank will be much more prone to drastic swings in parameters that could quickly poison your betta and put a ton of stress on it, making it far more prone to sickness.

    While waiting sucks you will have so much more peace of mind and enjoyment not having to comb through forums like a madman and buy copious amounts of meds like I did at the start.

  3. Full_Ad_3226 on

    That’s a lovely betta tank, lots of live big leaves to hide behind or rest on top of, 2 hides with big openings, a tiny bit of room up top to breath and make a bubble nest, plants reaching all the way to the surface. Great aquascape!

    Do you have a heater in there, I can’t tell?  If not, that would be my only suggestion.

    I can’t tell you if it’s okay to add the betta yet. You need a testing kit that can show you ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates to be really sure. Even if you did add the betta right away and do a “fish in cycle” you’ll still need the tests to tell you how safe the water is while the bacteria is growing in and thus how often to do water changes.

    Where did you get the bacteria from? If from someone else’s cycled filter media or gravel from an already established tank the bacteria will grow in a lot faster than if it’s bacteria out of a bottle.

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