So I have had one of my Bettas for awhile now (he's about one year old at the moment) and I have 5 tanks running with a variety of fish and I only say this to explain I'm experienced with different kinds of fish keeping, but my little buddy is not doing so hot and thankfully, I don't have much experience with sick fish. All my water parameters are fine in all my tanks they're the same and no one else is sick, but about 3 weeks ago my baby boy started swimming funny so I transferred him to a hospital tank,and then a week ago I put him in a floating cup because he was just sitting on gravel and I didn't want him to get sores. The closest thing I can find to what might be wrong is swim bladder but nothing else seems to make sense even though he's not bloated. I've given him kanaplex and Indian almond leaves but I can't figure out what's wrong but nothing is seeming to help. I just don't want my baby to suffer anymore. Any help would be much appreciated. Please

Posted by Gamer__Ghostie

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