i see so many threads on here calling chinese algae eaters the devil, but i love my son😔

i’ve had a chinese algae eater for 5 months and he hasn’t caused any problems in the tank. Given, he only lives with 2 otos and 2 mystery snails- plus a population of bladder snails- but i’ve never seen any aggression from him. maybe it’s because of all the space? (20gal, no other large roommates) or maybe he hasn’t grown into being aggressive yet lol.

why do we dislike these fish so much??

Posted by Internal-Educator488


  1. Poopoopewpew on

    They are not community fish and they’re sold as such. My UAE terrorized all my congos to the point of one jumping out of the tank. I only had him for a week. Do not put slow moving fish around him. He will suck off all their slime coat.

  2. Bothyourmoms on

    Because most people that buy them only do so because they think they are just going to exist for the sole purpose of cleaning algae off their glass. Don’t bother to properly feed or care for them and then act shocked when they start getting aggressive in an effort to not starve to death

  3. They will suck the slime coat off of almost every other fish.

    They get 12 inches long.

  4. lovelyoneshannon on

    I inherited a tank from a friend who knew nothing about fish. It was 10 gallons and stocked with TWO CAE’s, 6 skirted tetras (the colourful glow type, and the blackskirt kind), and a betta. 😬😬😬 I put the betta in a solo tank, and tried to rehome the CAE’s but no one wanted them because of their bad reputation. They lived a surprisingly long while in that awfully overstocked tank until one died, and a while after a lid got left open and the other one jumped. 😭 I really wish I’d been able to find someone with a big tank to take them. They were cool fish.

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