hi everyone! i just got my betta about two weeks ago and he had his first water change (only about 15%) two days ago. even before his water change, he was doing this thing where it almost looked like he was yawning, but when I tried to research yawning in betta fish everyone described it as longer than a second or so, which is unlike he does.

if anyone has any insight as to why he does this?? i’m a bit of a fish-hypochondriac so i just want to make sure he’s healthy!


Posted by Mysterious_Hour5319


  1. CasiyRoseReddits on

    It’s a “yawn”! They inhale deeply to flush any particulates out of their gills. Very normal, although not often caught on camera. I suppose more similar to a human cough really, although bettas can also cough which looks a bit different.

    I always find it super precious when mine yawn while looking right at me.

  2. Kiwironiandcheese on

    He is pulling more water through his gills, to get more oxygen. Add an air stone if he does it all the time, but it’s normal if he only does it every now and again.

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