Hi fellow anglers!
I’m trying to fish a few days after a conference. I’ve done some research but still confused. Hoping someone can help me out. I’m interested in trout or fishing from shore/a river.

Absolutely no felt bottomed boots, correct?

I see a lot of places are fished by kayak or canoe. Is the Wood River wadable?

If I drive in, can I get there with a rental car? I’m used to out West or here where you need 4×4 or all wheel drive.

Any places to avoid if I’m by myself?

Photo so I don’t lose my post.

Posted by wildlifebio84


  1. ZealousidealAir3352 on

    Gonna have to defer to an even more local, I haven’t heard any trout rivers that have cooled off enough yet from this heat wave, so you might be best off hitting the surf if you can.

    Anything around is accessible via rental car, just get the insurance 🙂

    There’s not a lot of elevation in the state, so the bottoms can be very sedimentary for wading, especially tidal areas, and thick brush on the shore, so kayaks/boats are popular.

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