I was thinking this is a better deal than just going out and buying brand new fishing, but i’ve been into fishing for a while so is it worth to start investing in my own things instead?

Posted by DiscountStandard9295


  1. Immediate-Phone-7013 on

    This is junk stuff that you’ll find at a yard sale for $50 total.

  2. Responsible-Ad-5287 on

    I would put that 140 towards your own new gear. This stuff is fine but it’s old and beat up and definitely not worth 140 .

  3. CptTwigNBerries on

    Goto Walmart and get you a nice combo to start probably like 40-50$ then maybe 30 or some on some tackle. Build your inventory based on what you are tryna fish and where. Better off with your own new stuff and half the price.

  4. This is mixup thats proooobably worth 140 but im sure youre not gonna use even half of it. Better use that 140 and buy a specific rod and reel for your target fishing style + terminal tackle + lures + other stuff. You can have a decent loadout with that budget

  5. Worth $140, yeah.

    BUT you’re also gonna spend time figuring out what stuff needs repaired, what’s rusted out or unusable, etc.

    How much is your time worth? With $140 and probably 1/10th the time commitment, you can get a new combo rod/reel that you don’t have to diagnose maintenance issues on AND set yourself up with a small “essentials only” tackle box.

    Worth the money? Sure.

    Worth the time and effort? Probably not.

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